2020 Redesigning Outdoor Education Series
Sept 14, 2020: Pods, Cohorts, and Modules
This session outlines the pros/cons of various small-group course models, including pods, cohorts, and modules. In addition, we'll discuss how The Mountaineers website and Google Classrooms can be used to support each model.
Sept 21, 2020: Video Editing with the Microsoft Video Editor
This session will go into basic video editing using the pre-installed Windows Video Editor on a PC.
Sept 28, 2020: Pricing in the Pandemic
Everything we know about how we run our programs, including pricing, has been tossed in the air during the pandemic. This session assess the models that are out there, and offers ways to price our newly designed programs so that they are consistent across the organization, balance revenue and mission, and attract students.
Oct 5, 2020: Video Editing with the Kinemaster Video App
This session will go into basic video editing using the app Kinemaster for your smartphone or tablet.
October 26, 2020: How To Make a Blended/Hybrid Course Successful
This session will look at some case studies for hybrid courses that have happened thus far - what worked well, special challenges, and lessons learned.